From Br Steve Hogan fsc

The College celebrated Father’s Day last Friday 1st September, with a number of events. At 7:00am was the Year 8 father and son touch football game followed by a College BBQ for fathers at 7:30am and Father’s Day mass in the Chapel at 8:00am. Friday was also Jersey Day where the College remembers Nathan Gremmo a Year 8 student who passed away tragically in 2015 from an accident on the way home from school. The family gathered and the decision was made to donate Nathan’s organs. Today six people have a full and complete life thanks to Mr Gremmo and his families decision. Awareness of and the promotion of organ donation is a significant event at Oakhill College at Father’s Day. The day concluded with a second Father’s Day liturgy at 6:00pm in the College Chapel.
St John Baptist de la Salle in 1680 formed the first Brothers of the Institute using father and mother as metaphors essential in the formation and characteristic of a Lasallian Brother. The student teacher relationship in a Lasallian school is modelled on the special role and relationship a father and mother have with their children.
Br Jeffrey Calligan gives us an insight into St John Baptist de La Salle’s understanding of the special role of a father. St John Baptist de Sa Salle describes God the Father very much as he saw his own father and the ministry of fatherhood. For De La Salle, God the Father is marked by two qualities: wisdom and gentleness. This wise God sees all, knows all, understands all, and is present to all. This God does not condemn. This God knows humankind and in wisdom loves its imperfection. This God is the font of all knowledge, equity, and mercy. This God’s loving providence creates mystery and lovingly houses it in the common everyday fabric of life with love and care that enriches us and leads us as it unfolds. There is no harshness in this God. This God exercises a loving vigilance and corrects by love and example. This God is companion and guide. This God accompanies each person in each step of life: without force. This God guides, accompanies, listens, watches, and informs with subtlety and vibrancy. This is how De La Salle saw the role of a father and that of a De La Salle Brother (and all Lasallian teachers).
In this Newsletter you will once again see the amazing work of students, their achievements and success. In particular the Performing Arts Show Case events for HSC Drama and Music and for HSC Visual Arts and TAS. Year 12 have only eight more days of classes before graduation and their preparation for their HSC exams. I wish them every success.
What is success?
John Wooden a renown US basketball coach says:
“Success is the peace of mind attained through self-satisfaction in knowing you have made every effort to be and do the best you can”.
This is what we ask of our students each and every day and are very proud of how each and every one works away at trying to be and do the best they can.
Oakhill College’s purpose as a Lasallian school is to touch hearts and transform lives, forming good sons and daughters, good men and women, and good citizens mindful of a better future for all, and to do this the best they can.
Br Steve Hogan fsc