From Br Steve fsc

It is with great pleasure I once again welcome all members of the Oakhill College community to the 2021 academic year, especially our new Year 7 and 11 students and parents and those new to Years 8-11. There are over 450 new students to Oakhill College this year across Years 7-11. Welcome to you all.
In the opening Assemblies, I took the opportunity to explain our theme for the year Think-Give-Get RESPECT.
The Christian scriptures provide many examples and texts in regard to respect. None more so than the Golden Rule from Matthew’s gospel, “Do to others what you expect done to you” (Matt 7:13), and of course the Beatitudes – Blessed are the pure of heart etc. from Matthew 5: 3-12. From the east Confucius writes in the 5th century BC, "Do not on others what you do not wish for yourself." Respect is firstly how we think about actions, what is right, our moral code and compass. Our thinking guides our actions, what we do – giving respect. If everyone is respectful it, in turn, assures everyone will receive respect. This is our focus for 2021.
This week families from 2020 would have received the 2020 Yearbook. I would like to express our sincere thanks to Mrs Russo, the Editor, for a wonderful job. This chronicle is an amazing expression of staff, student’s and parents’ ability in a year of adversity.
Also, this week we have had the wonderful opportunity at our Dedication Mass on Thursday, 4th February, to affiliate Mr Chris Goodman, as a member of the De La Salle Brother’s, now known as Mr Goodman AFSC. On Friday 5th February, the College celebrated our Class of 2020 at the High Achiever’s Assembly. This was a celebration of all Year 12 who collectively and collaboratively worked to achieve their goals and attain their desired path. About 70% through an early admission (not always helpful for improving our Band 6’s) but a great honour and record for the students, their families, and the College. This was our second-best year in over 15 years. Well done to Year 12, their teachers and parents.
I would like to encourage parents, as important members of our family, to join us in all events that are referenced in the Newsletter each fortnight, the College Calendar and reminder emails. We are a community, not an institution and our life and success depend on your involvement, energy and support – it takes a village to raise a child. Research indicates improved student outcomes for those students whose parents stay connected in some way to their children’s schooling, often this is subtle and indirect such as attending meetings, joining the P&F or helping in the canteen or uniform shop – as some distance is also essential for many adolescents. I look forward to seeing you at the court, field or theatre.
In conclusion, I wish to share some advice from Winston Churchill encouraging us to keep doing our best: “When you feel you cannot continue for another minute, and that all that is in your human power has been done, that is the moment when one step forward will give you the fruits of the struggle you have borne”. It may be hard, but as Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Roman Emperors said, "it is not beyond us". Oakhillian’s by nature are up to the challenge, never say die, and strive for excellence, not mediocracy. Therefore, I have every expectation that we will meet the challenge and grow to be more respectful, more kind to one another, in our deeds, words and actions, in real life, real-time, and social media.
Because a thing is difficult for you, do not therefore suppose it to be beyond mortal power. On the contrary, if anything is possible and proper for man to do, assume that it must fall within your own capacity. (Marcus Aurelius)
Or as De La Salle says: “Do not spare yourself in what you can do with grace; and believe that, provided you want it, you can do more with the grace of God than you think” (De La Salle, 1691).
Br Steve Hogan fsc